Grand Jury Indicts Police Officer For Murder Of Anthony Hill :Hill Was Unarmed And Naked When The Officer Shot Him.

Anthony Hill
Anthony Hill

ATLANTA (Reuters) — A grand jury indict­ed a white police offi­cer on Thursday for felony mur­der and oth­er crim­i­nal charges in the shoot­ing death of an unarmed, naked black man at an apart­ment com­plex near Atlanta last March. The charges come as pros­e­cu­tors face increased scruti­ny over how they treat cas­es of police use of dead­ly force, par­tic­u­lar­ly against minori­ties. The Black Lives Matter move­ment, sparked by police killings of unarmed black men since 2014, has focused atten­tion on race and polic­ing. DeKalb County District Attorney Robert James told reporters that DeKalb County police offi­cer Robert Olsen was indict­ed on six charges for the March 9 shoot­ing of 27-year-old Anthony Hill.

Hill, a U.S. Air Force vet­er­an who suf­fered from bipo­lar dis­or­der and post-trau­mat­ic stress dis­or­der, was hav­ing a man­ic episode when he was shot to death while naked in the park­ing lot of his apart­ment build­ing, accord­ing to his fam­i­ly. Olsen told a civ­il grand jury last year that Hill was com­ing at him in a hos­tile man­ner and dis­obeyed com­mands to stop, mak­ing him feel threat­ened. The grand jury at the time rec­om­mend­ed fur­ther inves­ti­ga­tion. Olsen was indict­ed on two counts of felony mur­der, aggra­vat­ed assault, vio­lat­ing his oath of office and mak­ing a false state­ment, James said. “My job as a pros­e­cu­tor is to seek jus­tice,” James told the news conference.

Robert Olsen indicted for murder of Anthony Hill.
Robert Olsen indict­ed for mur­der of Anthony Hill.

That’s what we do in every case, and that’s what we did in this case. James said a war­rant was issued for Olsen’s arrest and that he expect­ed him to be tak­en into cus­tody soon. Olsen’s attor­ney, Donald English, could not be imme­di­ate­ly reached for com­ment. Protesters in Atlanta braved frigid nights and camped out in front of the cour­t­house this week, demand­ing jus­tice for Hill. The charges come just weeks after an Ohio grand jury cleared two Cleveland police offi­cers who fatal­ly shot a 12-year-old black child who was play­ing with a toy gun in a park, spark­ing wide­spread anger.
Read more here : http://​www​.huff​in​g​ton​post​.com/​e​n​t​r​y​/​a​n​t​h​o​n​y​-​h​i​l​l​-​g​r​a​n​d​-​j​u​r​y​-​i​n​d​i​c​t​m​e​n​t​_​u​s​_​5​6​a​1​9​3​1​4​e​4​b​0​d​8​c​c​1​0​9​9​9​2e7

2 thoughts on “Grand Jury Indicts Police Officer For Murder Of Anthony Hill :Hill Was Unarmed And Naked When The Officer Shot Him.

  1. The black man’s third leg, is the envy of the white men and Officer Olsen could not con­trol the anger he has inside of him. So, he had to mur­dered the naked black man and lied about it! I hope that Justice will be done in this case and send a strong mes­sage to the mas­querad­ing mur­der­ous white police offi­cers who are barbarians. 

    The NAACP have failed us as a peo­ple for over one hun­dred years and final­ly there’s a grass roots orga­ni­za­tion that is of the black peo­ple; for the black peo­ple and for the black people. 

    It is a wel­com­ing indict­ment for the American Society because this goes to show that they are peo­ple in our coun­try, whose con­science, moral­i­ty, and ethics are work­ing. The most impor­tant thing is that, they are show­ing the insti­tu­tion­al and sys­temic racist sys­tem of white suprema­cy. That they are not proud of being a part of it, but with Justice irre­spec­tive of one’s hue.

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