Blacks Resentful Of Each Other’s Sacrifice Even When They Benefit.…

Will and Jada Pinkett-Smith
Will and Jada Pinkett-Smith

Jada Pinkett Smith has exer­cised her right to sit out the Oscars this year, in fact Jada said she won’t even watch . Mrs Smith made her deci­sion along with oth­ers like Filmmaker Spike Lee who are upset at the lack of recog­ni­tion by the Academy, of films fea­tur­ing Black Actors for the sec­ond year in a row.
Will Smith has come out in sup­port of his wife’s posi­tion and as is to be expect­ed this has start­ed tongues wag­ging regard­ing the valid­i­ty of their actions.
British Actress Charlotte Rampling has opined that all the talk of an Oscars white­wash is actu­al­ly anti-white. “It is racist to whites,” Rampling told Europe 1. “One can nev­er real­ly know, but per­haps the black actors did not deserve to make the final list.”

Charlotte Rampling
Charlotte Rampling

Well it cer­tain­ly takes a with­ered up old bene­fac­tor of a life­time of white priv­i­lege to know what racism is , does­n’t it?
Most dis­turb­ing, yet total­ly not sur­pris­ing is the response from for­mer Fresh Prince Actor Janet Hubert. Hubert played Will’s ini­tial aunt Viv on the sit­com “The fresh prince of Belair” .
Janet Hubert is report­ed to har­bor lin­ger­ing ani­mos­i­ty toward Will Smith for being forced out of the hit sit­com and replaced with Daphne Maxwell Reid.
Hubert took to the inter­net in a home made video blast­ing the Smiths on January 18th.
Quote, “People are dying. Our boys are being shot left and right. People are starv­ing. People are try­ing to pay bills,”. “And you’re talk­ing about some motherf**king

Janet Hubert
Janet Hubert

actors and Oscars. And it just ain’t that deep.”
Hubert claimed that her rant had noth­ing to do with sour grapes but if you have to say it ain’t about sour grapes .…..
It prob­a­bly is sour grapes.
That aside why is it that when­ev­er a Black per­son stand up in defense of their core belief the very first per­son to attack is anoth­er black person?
I mean does miss Hubert even under­stand the optics of this ? Or are we always too pre­oc­cu­pied with our own cir­cum­stances sub­se­quent­ly we mis­place our anger by lash­ing out at the very peo­ple who are try­ing to do some­thing about the sys­tem­at­ic and entrenched prob­lems of race in America?
After all try­ing to save a crit­ter with a leg caught in a trap does not insu­late the sav­ior from a bite from that critter.
A crit­ter remain a crit­ter regard­less of what you do for it.

In a classy response to Ms Hubert’s intem­per­ate out­burst Jada Pinkett Smith said her boy­cott of the Feb. 28 award show “isn’t real­ly about the Oscars.”
“Considering that Alabama had its high­est recruit­ment for the KKK for Martin Luther King’s birth­day, I hope that we as African Americans can find a way to get along and step together,” .
“This whole Oscar con­tro­ver­sy isn’t real­ly about the Oscars. Really, in my plea to ask all com­mu­ni­ties and peo­ple of col­or to take back our pow­er is so that we can use it in all sec­tors of our com­mu­ni­ty, and right now, specif­i­cal­ly with African-American peo­ple, we have some very seri­ous issues that I think we as a peo­ple have to move togeth­er on.” “I’m hop­ing we can find ways to step togeth­er in this instead of find­ing ways to fight each oth­er. I got love for everybody.

I sup­port Will and his wife for stand­ing on the courage of their con­vic­tions. Conversely Miss Hubert’s response is more in line with what ene­mies of our race wants to see ‚. Not just the fight­ing among our­selves , but the crass unin­tel­li­gent ghet­to char­ac­ter­i­za­tion of each oth­er which usu­al­ly has it’s Genesis in some­thing far deep­er or which has no rela­tion­ship to her juve­nile out­burst. Speaking out against injus­tice in the Oscars is not divorced from oth­er injus­tices of which miss Hubert her­self speaks .
It is not a zero sum game . They are all inex­tri­ca­bly linked . Black peo­ple are quite con­ver­sant that the two issues are not mutu­al­ly exclusive.
We are quite capa­ble of walk­ing and chew­ing gum as miss Hubert seem unable to understand.

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