Why Is This Ditz Relevant?

Why is she relevant?
Why is she relevant?

There are some things which sim­ply defy logic .
Sarah Palin blames her son’s trou­bles with the law on, you guessed it .….
President Obama !!!
Palin’s son who was arrest­ed on domes­tic abuse charges , blames his arrest on what she char­ac­ter­izes as the President not tak­ing care of vet­er­ans return­ing from Iraq.
Pardon me please but the fact that we are talk­ing about a total idiot like Sarah Palin speaks vol­umes about all of us includ­ing the writer.

In char­ac­ter­is­tic dis­joint­ed ram­ble Palin speak­ing to an Iowa crowd as she endorsed Donald Trump said
“He is the mas­ter of the art of the deal,” Palin said. “He is the one who would know what to negotiate”.“He is from the pri­vate sec­tor, not a politi­cian,” “Can I get a hal­lelu­jah? He knows how to lead the charge. So troops hang in there, he’s on the way.”“ Are you ready for a leader that will com­mand our troops and go kick ISIS’ ass,”? 

Why is he relevant ?
Why is he relevant ?

Set aside the fact that we are talk­ing about this incon­se­quen­tial hate-mon­ger, here are a few things we should remem­ber while she crit­i­cizes and blames the President for.
(1)Palin sup­port­ed Bush’s ille­gal war in Iraq.
(2) President Obama did not.
(3) President Obama end­ed that war did this lunatic even know President Obama end­ed the war . The very same war she bliss­ful­ly but igno­rant­ly sup­port­ed and is all jol­ly about celebrating?
Here’s the Irony , while she was talk­ing about vet­er­ans return­ing from war with mal­adies she was in the same breath beg­ging for anoth­er war. Are you ready for a leader that will com­mand our troops and go kick ISIS’ ass,”?
I mean we knew she was dumb but real­ly , how dumb is this nincompoop?

While Sarah Palin palls around with fel­low right-wing hate-mon­ger Donald Trump, her daugh­ter con­tin­ue to have out of wed­lock chil­dren and her son is get­ting arrested.
Maybe she should spend some time look­ing after her fam­i­ly and less time being a hater.
I believe that’s a good place for her to start.
Sheesh I did not even know that this idiot was still around..