INDECOM Gets Warrant To Search JDF Headquarters

Jamaica Defense Force Soldiers...
Jamaica Defense Force Soldiers…

The Independent Commission of Investigations (INDECOM) has obtained a war­rant to search the Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) head­quar­ters at Up Park Camp for mor­tars and infor­ma­tion relat­ed to their use dur­ing the 2010 police-mil­i­tary oper­a­tions in Tivoli Gardens.

Major Basil Jarrett, the head of the JDF Civil-Military Coöperation Unit, says the mil­i­tary is aware of the war­rant. According to law enforce­ment sources, INDECOM is also in pos­ses­sion of a num­ber of sum­mons­es for sev­er­al mem­bers to appear before the body for inter­views. It was unclear when the search war­rant and sum­mons­es were issued, but sources told The Gleaner Online that they were obtained using infor­ma­tion uncov­ered dur­ing the ongo­ing west Kingston Commission of Enquiry. However, before INDECOM could exe­cute the search war­rant attor­neys for the JDF went to court seek­ing to block the search. The mat­ter came up before Justice Bryan Sykes in Chambers this morn­ing. Despite claims by sev­er­al res­i­dents of Tivoli Gardens that they heard “bombs” dur­ing the May 2010 oper­a­tions to cap­ture drug king­pin Christopher ‘Dudus’ Coke, the JDF ini­tial­ly rebuffed the claims. However, tes­ti­fy­ing before the Sir David Simmons-chaired tri­bunal, for­mer JDF Chief of Defence Staff Major Stewart Saunders acknowl­edged that he ordered the use of mor­tars and that a total of 37 were fired in three open spaces in the west Kingston com­mu­ni­ty. Stewart and JDF Mortar Control Officer Major Warrenton Dixon defend­ed the use of the mor­tars say­ing there were used to cre­ate a diver­sion for gun­men who were engag­ing mem­bers of the secu­ri­ty forces in fierce fire­fights and to keep women and young chil­dren in-doors and out of harms way. “It’s unfor­tu­nate that 70-odd per­sons lost their lives in there, but I believe strong­ly in my heart that the use of the mor­tars saved a lot of lives and I am proud of it,” Dixon tes­ti­fied last month. INDECOM gets war­rant to search JDF head­quar­ters.