You So-called Pastors , You Deceivers Of The Brethren.…


There seem to be more ser­mons jus­ti­fy­ing greed ‚las­civ­i­ous­ness, get­ting rich, soci­etal accep­tance, sex­u­al per­ver­sion and a gen­er­al sense of “do you it’s all good” com­ing from many pul­pits these days.
There seem to be a zero sum approach by some preach­ers who bel­low their brand of Christianity with a sense of cer­ti­tude which indi­cate that those opposed to their inter­pre­ta­tion of Christianity are out of touch, out of date Neanderthals wor­thy of deri­sion and scorn.
I am loathe to lis­ten to many of them because their ser­mons amount to noth­ing but noise designed to reach only those with­in earshot, whether in the room or those who watch on Television or watch their per­for­mance on YouTube.
Yes most of what pass­es for the preach­ing of the word of God these days is sim­ply a per­for­mance for their own sense of per­son­al aggrandizement.
Matthew 6:7 ►And when­ev­er you are pray­ing, you shall not be ver­bose like the hea­then, for they think that they are heard by speak­ing much.

They speak and they wait for applause as if they are per­form­ers, or are they? The Bible is the word of God, it is the undi­lut­ed truth of God . Jesus came he said he did not come to change what was writ­ten but to ful­fill what was writ­ten. Yet there are no short­age of preach­ers today who are preach­ing a brand of get-along gospel designed to fill the pews and the offer­ing bas­kets and not much more.
Absent is the unvar­nished word of God chal­leng­ing sin where it persists .
No Pastor has the author­i­ty to inval­i­date parts of God’s holy word because it does not jive with his world-view. No Preacher may dis­sect the scrip­ture to suit the nar­ra­tive he/​she wants to advance.

Either you believe God’s word and try to live by them or you don’t ! God’s word is unchang­ing , it stands on it’s own, it does not need any­thing or any­one to clar­i­fy it or to make it palat­able. We don’t get to change God’s word to make it applic­a­ble to the times. God’s word was from the begin­ning of time, it has with­stood all attempts to change and destroy it, man has no pow­er to change one iota of what God impart­ed to us through divine inspiration .
How dare any preach­er take out what he/​she believes and dis­card parts which do not jive with the feel good new-age gib­ber­ish they want to sell to those who want their own ver­sion of Salvation.


No you have no author­i­ty to jus­ti­fy any sin. Not mur­der , not adul­tery, not for­ni­ca­tion, not steal­ing , not envy , not Homosexuality , not any sin.
Christians have a right and indeed a duty to speak out against sin. We have a duty to live a life free from sin as much as we can.

Of course we do sin ‚when we sin unin­ten­tion­al­ly we pray and ask God for for­give­ness God’s grace cleans­es us of our sins.
We do not get to con­tin­ue pre­sump­tu­ous sin­ning while claim­ing to be born again .
We come as we are .….….….…..We do not get to con­tin­ue as we were while claim­ing rebirth.
I rebuke the so-called preach­ers of the gospel who con­tin­ue to teach that it’s okay to remain in sin .
Where is it writ­ten? God’s words are sacrosanct.

How does the Church dif­fer­en­ti­ate itself from the world if the Church con­forms to the dic­tates of the world?
On whose author­i­ty are these preach­ers teach­ing that we may con­tin­ue to do the things we were doing because if any­one dare ques­tion it they are guilty of judging?
I have news for these idol­aters and work­ers of inequity God’s judge­ment will be swift , his wrath will be kin­dled against your lying tongue . For you seek not to lead his peo­ple to his light , you seek to lead them to your ver­sion of Salvation and for that he will hold you accountable.
John the Baptist preached against sin he was Martyred. Jesus Christ preached against sin he was martyred.
You Apostates have no Authority to accom­mo­date, authen­ti­cate, negate, or val­i­date sin.

Only God can wash away sin .
No it’s not judg­ing to speak out against stealing!
No it’s not judg­ing to speak out against murderers!
It is not judg­ing to speak out against Homosexuality!
It is not judg­ing to speak out against liars!
It is not judg­ing to speak out against fornicators!
That’s what we are sup­posed to do yet we are sup­posed to love them . For we should love the sin­ner but hate the sin.
All sin is sin but you can’t shut us up for speak­ing out against the ones you don’t want us to speak out against because you are prac­tic­ing that sin.
So for the Black Homosexual pas­tors who want us to shut up about their lifestyle we will not shut up ‚no we will con­tin­ue to speak out and con­demn Homosexuality as we speak out and con­demn all oth­er forms of sin.
Many of you char­la­tans who pur­port to preach the word of God are worse than the unsaved who have made no pro­fes­sion of faith. Many of you are for­ni­ca­tors, adul­ter­ers, thieves, liars and yes homo­sex­u­als so you can­not preach out against the sin many of your con­gre­gants know you are wal­low­ing in.
You are impos­tors , not Pastors !!! Many of you do not preach the com­ing Kingdom of Jesus Christ you preach about get­ting that new car, that new house , how to attract that new beau. You are hea­thens you deceiv­er of the brethren.
How can we endeav­or to extri­cate our­selves from sin if we are unable to iden­ti­fy it ?
How can pas­tors cre­ate the nar­ra­tive that sin­ners com­ing to Christ can con­tin­ue in their sin ?
I Have a word for you preach­ers who pre­sume to water down Gods word to make it more accept­able to the cheer­ing crowds you want to adore you .
I have a word for you who look around for ador­ing con­gre­gants who are enthused by the words of perdi­tion drip­ping from your lying lips with new-age any­thing goes doctrine.
I am call­ing you out because thus sayeth the lord.

Jeremiah 23:1

1“Woe to the shep­herds who are destroy­ing and scat­ter­ing the sheep of My pas­ture!” declares the LORD. 2Therefore thus says the LORD God of Israel con­cern­ing the shep­herds who are tend­ing My peo­ple: “You have scat­tered My flock and dri­ven them away, and have not attend­ed to them; behold, I am about to attend to you for the evil of your deeds,” declares the LORD.…

Jeremiah 50:6

My peo­ple have been lost sheep; their shep­herds have led them astray and caused them to roam on the moun­tains. They wan­dered over moun­tain and hill and for­got their own rest­ing place.

God call us to come out from the world so that we may be seen as a light on a hill which can­not be hid.
It’s not what we say which will draw peo­ple to Christ it is the way we live our lives.
That is why it is crit­i­cal­ly impor­tant that our lives are able to stand God’s scrutiny.
For all have sinned and come short of the glo­ry of God but the gift of God is eter­nal life.
There are far too many who are preach­ing what the world want to hear and not what the scrip­tures says.
Jesus could have been crowned King but that was­n’t his purpose .
He came to preach and teach the unvar­nished word of his father who sent him.
He shunned the crown the world want­ed to bestow on him so that we may be saved and have life eternal.
You pas­tors who con­tin­ue to preach that apos­tate gospel will receive the world­ly crowns you crave but it will be coals of fire on your heads.
Beware !!!!!