Bundy Ranch Standoff &Oregon Wildlife Takeover The Most Vivid Examples Yet There Are Two Different Standards In America…

In 1985, Philadelphia police dropped a bomb on a house occupied by a black group living communally called MOVE. Sixty-one homes were destroyed in the resulting fire, which gutted a city block. Although many writers have recounted the standoff that resulted in the death of 11 MOVE members, five of whom were children, it remains a faded memory in America’s recent history.(thegrio.com)
In 1985, Philadelphia police dropped a bomb on a house occu­pied by a black group liv­ing com­mu­nal­ly called MOVE. Sixty-one homes were destroyed in the result­ing fire, which gut­ted a city block. Although many writ­ers have recount­ed the stand­off that result­ed in the death of 11 MOVE mem­bers, five of whom were chil­dren, it remains a fad­ed mem­o­ry in America’s recent history.(thegrio.com)

There is much to be said about the plight of Black America in the con­text of what the fifty mil­lion or so peo­ple haven’t done to change the tra­jec­to­ry of over four hun­dred years of oppres­sion, tyran­ny and murder.
Not one for pass­ing the buck or talk­ing about what “the man” has done to us I have always sought to look inward­ly at what we African peo­ple haven’t done to ensure we climb out of the abyss of dis­ad­van­tage and make sure that nev­er again will our proud race be degrad­ed and abused the way it has been by others.
Notwithstanding I must con­tin­ue to point to the bla­tant dis­par­i­ty in the ways laws are enforced in the United States which one could argue cre­ate a cer­tain sense of despair in peo­ple of col­or in America.

If it looks like a Duck walks like a Duck and quacks like Duck, it is a Duck.....
If it looks like a Duck walks like a Duck and quacks like Duck, it is a Duck.….

After Michael Brown was exe­cut­ed by Ferguson Missouri cop Darren Wilson the pre­dictable no pros­e­cu­tion, decades of despair and abuse boiled over into rage and may­hem turn­ing the streets of that town into a war-zone.
Of course it may rea­son­ably be argued that it was the author­i­ties which turned the town into a bat­tle­field with tanks and armored per­son­nel car­ri­ers against abused American cit­i­zens cry­ing out for jus­tice in their own land.
Despite rhetoric to the con­trary the Blacks had mil­i­tary style tac­tics used against them as the American Government did in Philadelphia as recent as 1985.

This is what greeted protesters who stood up for justice
This is what greet­ed pro­test­ers who stood up for justice

The use of the mil­i­tary against the peo­ple is pro­hib­it­ed by the con­sti­tu­tion, so it was not called a mil­i­tary assault on the peo­ple it was called police.
Never mind that the tac­tics, weapon­ry and every­thing else was clear­ly mil­i­taris­tic and of course the peo­ple did not count as cit­i­zens most were Black.
Instances of raw aggres­sion by States Government against African Americans are well know and well doc­u­ment­ed in this Country when­ev­er they dare stand up against the tyran­ny and acts of bar­bar­i­ty against their per­sons by agents of the var­i­ous states.
On these pages I have long argued that the Black man must start tak­ing respon­si­bil­i­ty for his own coun­try and his own her­itage, once he does that it will be dif­fi­cult for him to accept on a con­tin­uüm the bar­barism being per­pet­u­at­ed against him.
Republican Presidential can­di­date Barry Goldwater in 1964 said ““Extremism in the defense of lib­er­ty is no vice, mod­er­a­tion in the pur­suit of jus­tice is no virtue!”
If these argu­ments have mer­it, why then are Blacks demo­nized and fur­ther abused when they seek jus­tice? Shouldn’t jus­tice look the same for all people?

Bundy Militia-men take aim at Bureau of Land Management agents during standoff.
Bundy Militia-men take aim at Bureau of Land Management agents dur­ing standoff.

In April 2014, the Bureau of Land Management acted on a court order to seize the cattle of southern Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy. Hundreds of western men and women traveled to the area outside Bunkersville, NV to stand with Cliven Bundy.
There are various accounts as to the legitimacy of the Government’s actions against Cliven Bundy the Rancher at the heart of the conflict. Conversely there is also the little issue of picking up arms against the Government whether one is right or wrong. Yet in all of it the main stream media seem to have been issued strict orders not to show pictures or talk about events there as the Federal Government backed down from the Militiamen.

Bundy’s Sons Occupy Oregon Wildlife Reserve With Armed Militia ...
Bundy’s Sons Occupy Oregon Wildlife Reserve With Armed Militia …

Emboldened by the Federal Government’s lack of back-bone Cliven Bundy’s sons led a militia to Oregon where they commandeered a woldlife reserve. The anti-government militiamen dug in despite the ranchers they claimed to be defending denounced their actions and turned themselves in to the law.

The Militia began the siege in protest of the jail­ing of Dwight Hammond, 73, and his son Steven, 46, con­vict­ed of arson for set­ting fire to fed­er­al land. The Militia-men are heav­i­ly armed and warned they will defend them­selves if the author­i­ties use force to dis­lodge them.
Thus far we have heard no call to bring out the nation­al guard to route them from their ille­gal armed occu­pa­tion of Government property.
We have not seen a Military build-up against these domes­tic terrorists.
Bear in mind that these men are armed and have vowed to kill Federal Agents>
Black demon­stra­tors are armed with plac­ards but their protests are met with mas­sive force and aggression.

As we watch these events unfold the so-called main stream media is deaf­en­ing­ly silent in the face of what is open war­fare against the Government by what are clear­ly domes­tic terrorists.

At the begin­ning of this Article I point­ed to the two dif­fer­ent jus­tice sys­tems in America, one for white men and the oth­er for every­one else. Now the racist dem­a­gogues are silent. There are no vir­u­lent gib­ber­ish drip­ping from their ran­cid lips about loot­ers and peo­ple doing dam­age to Government prop­er­ty. The fact that schools in the Oregon Area have been closed with kids unable to go to school is no big deal.
None of the right wing imbe­ciles are talk­ing about shoot­ing them down which are the demands when Black lives mat­ter activists stand up against agents of the Government who wan­ton­ly vio­late their rights.

Sheriff David Ward said the pro­test­ers’ ulti­mate goal was “to over­throw the coun­ty and fed­er­al gov­ern­ment in hopes to spark a move­ment across the United States.” The Hammonds have set them­selves apart from the armed move­ment, and from Bundy in par­tic­u­lar. The father and son have both already served sev­er­al months in jail for arson, but a judge in October ordered them back to prison to serve the remain­der of their sen­tences after they lost an appeal. The Hammonds were con­vict­ed after start­ing what they said was a con­trolled fire on their ranch in Harney County.

People slam lack of govt action after Bundy's militia takeover in Oregon ...
People slam lack of govt action after Bundy’s mili­tia takeover in Oregon …

The fire spread and con­sumed 139 acres (56 hectares) of fed­er­al land. Witnesses at their tri­al said that Steven Hammond had ille­gal­ly slaugh­tered deer on fed­er­al prop­er­ty dur­ing a hunt­ing expe­di­tion and then hand­ed out match­es in order to “light up the whole coun­try on fire,” accord­ing to a Justice Department state­ment. So far, there has been no vis­i­ble police pres­ence at the reserve, where sev­er­al armed men in vehi­cles are guard­ing the entrance while oth­ers kept watch from a look­out tow­er. Schools in the area have been closed for the week. Online, pub­lic opin­ion was sharply split on what was quick­ly dubbed the #Oregonstandoff, with many brand­ing the takeover an act of domes­tic ter­ror­ism, while oth­ers saw an act of resis­tance against gov­ern­ment oppres­sion. (Mialonline​.com)
So how does the gov­ern­ment jus­ti­fy assault­ing one race and bow­ing to the other?
It does­n’t, it sim­ply hope that Black Americans will con­tin­ue to be the stu­pid door­mats they have always been , more con­tent with vic­tim-hood than victory.