19-Year Old Woman Facing Life In Prison For Killing Man Who She Says Abused Her

Kenosha, WI — Chrystul Kizer, a young African American woman from Wisconsin, was only 17-years old when she shot and killed Randall Volar in self-defense. She says he was abus­ing her. But now she is 19-years old and fac­ing life in prison if convicted.

Kizer has been charged with shoot­ing Volar, who is white, and set­ting his house on fire back in June 2018. She said she did it because he abused her and sold her to oth­er men for sex.

She had been try­ing to get out of what­ev­er arrange­ment that they had, and he was threat­en­ing to kill her,” said Ben Turk, who sup­ports Kizer.

Her appoint­ed attor­ney, who is a pub­lic defend­er, claims that she should be acquit­ted under the “affir­ma­tive defense” state law as she was a vic­tim of sex traf­fick­ing. The judge, how­ev­er, dis­agreed and said it only applies to pros­ti­tu­tion or child traf­fick­ing cases.

Kenosha County District Attorney Mike Gravely thought of drop­ping the charges but he said he found the mur­der was pre­med­i­tat­ed and that Kizer even proud­ly post­ed about doing it on social media.

Before Volar died, he was being inves­ti­gat­ed on child sex traf­fick­ing, where­in Kizer was appar­ent­ly one of the vic­tims. However, he was killed and his body was found in his burnt house on the day he was about to be charged with child sex crimes.

Kizer is set to under­go tri­al next year. She could face life in prison but is try­ing to appeal the lat­est ruling.