Race Baiting, Blame The Media, Typical Republican Strategy Lies And More Lies:

In the week that Republican Candidate Newt Gingrich is expe­ri­enc­ing his sec­ond life in this cam­paign, and prob­a­bly lucky for him just before the South Carolina debates, his sec­ond wife Marianne told ABC news that Gingrich want­ed her to have an open mar­riage, a pro­pos­al she was not par­tic­u­lar­ly fond of. Gingrich has been mar­ried three times, he has been accused of infi­deli­ty and even have been said to have served one of his wives with divorce papers whilst she was sick in hospital.

Newt Gingrich:

It is rather inter­est­ing, the hypocrisy of Republicans and in par­tic­u­lar those in South Carolina who cheered rau­cous­ly when Gingrich launched into a sanc­ti­mo­nious attempt at faux out­rage at CNN’s John King who had the audac­i­ty to open the debates by ask­ing Gingrich about what his wife said about him. http://​Youtube​.com

John King, USA

King’s por­trait cour­tesy of face​book​.com

Newt Gingrich was at the tip of the spear seek­ing to sear President Clinton for hav­ing a sex­u­al dal­liance with a White House Intern dur­ing his time in office. It is rather hyp­o­crit­i­cal of Gingrich and the oth­er mem­bers of that Congress who made a humon­gous deal about what President Clinton did, almost plung­ing the coun­try into a con­sti­tu­tion­al cri­sis, yet the same peo­ple are quite will­ing to look away and make lame excus­es for what Gingrich is accused to have done to his pre­vi­ous wives, and the alle­ga­tions made against him about infi­deli­ty. There is no short­age of lying hyp­ocrites parad­ing as chris­t­ian evan­gel­i­cals who are on tele­vi­sion argu­ing that Gingrich’s ser­i­al infi­deli­ty as they are alleged, are sub­ject to God’s grace and for­give­ness, as of course they are. It is no won­der that these same peo­ple who speak about being chris­tians, and espouse the foun­da­tion­al prin­ci­ples of for­give­ness and grace did not have any for­give­ness for President Clinton. These same peo­ple who talk about being chris­tians and extol the sanc­ti­ty of life, will defend an embryo, they will defend a sperm but they will not defend a black or col­ored baby. What Christ are they talk­ing about, What God do they wor­ship? Every elec­tion cycle the media con­tin­ue the talk­ing points of these peo­ple by call­ing them evan­gel­i­cal chris­t­ian, is it any won­der that peo­ple are turned away from chris­tian­i­ty and reli­gion on a whole, when these are the faces of christianity.

Newt Gingrich was aware of the kind of peo­ple in that room in South Carolina, he was pre­pared for John King ask­ing him that ques­tion, he had that answer irre­spec­tive of the time King asked him about alle­ga­tions of his infi­deli­ty. Gingrich was equal­ly aware of the kind of audi­ence when he lam­bast­ed Juan Williams for dar­ing to ask him about con­tin­u­al­ly sug­gest­ing that poor minor­i­ty kids should be jan­i­tors. He was equal­ly aware when he allowed the woman at the cam­paign stop to com­pli­ment him for quote putting Juan Williams in his place..youtube​.com.

As despi­ca­ble as Gingrich’s racial pos­tur­ing is, the oth­er jok­ers com­pet­ing for the Republican nom­i­na­tion are just as excit­ed to release what seem to be pent-up racial ani­mos­i­ty toward black peo­ple and pres­i­dent Obama in par­tic­u­lar. Mitt Romney the media ele­vat­ed front-run­ner would not be out done in his attempt to show his con­ser­vatism. Seeking to impress the crowd Romney tells debate crowd hun­gry for blood he would stuff attacks down pres­i­dent Obama’s throat. In the all out attempt to dis­re­spect this pres­i­dent Gingrich told one man who said he want­ed Gingrich to bloody President Obama’s nose to which Gingrich stat­ed ‘I do not intend to bloody Barack Obama’s nose I intend to knock him out”.

This part gets my blood boil­ing because whether hypo­thet­i­cal­ly or lit­er­al­ly , nei­ther of these two are capa­ble of doing what they pro­fess to do to this black man so let’s get that out in the open, so both these jok­ers can stop with the non­sense. This elec­tion will be a knock down dragged out dirty one, President Obama will have to wage a cam­paign that exceeds the scope of the one he waged to win the pres­i­den­cy, if you thought Republicans were des­per­ate in 2007 , they will be even more so in 2012 , they will use all the dirty tricks, lies, dis­tor­tions and fab­ri­ca­tions at their dis­pos­al, not only will he have to deal with whomev­er wins the repub­li­can nom­i­na­tion , he will have to deal with the incred­i­bly wealthy, pow­er­ful peo­ple who want him gone so they can return to the days of no reg­u­la­tion and cor­po­rate wel­fare. They are capa­ble and all too will­ing to put tens of mil­lions of dol­lars into super pacs in an attempt to destroy this pres­i­dent and his record.

Two of the most pow­er­ful of the donors against Obama are the bil­lion­aire Koch Brothers who are some of the filthy rich who are bank rolling Tea Party cam­paign against work­ing peo­ple in this coun­try.It’s time that ordi­nary peo­ple push back against these mega rich peo­ple who are dis­dain­ful of ordi­nary work­ing peo­ple who con­sume their prod­ucts in our homes dai­ly with­out even real­iz­ing it.


Angel soft toi­let paper : Brawny paper tow­els : Dixie plates, bowls, nap­kins and cups :mar­di gras napkins:Quilted noth­ern toi­let paper: soft and gen­tle toi­let paper:Sparkle and van­i­ty fair napkins:Georgia pacif­ic paper products:Georgia pacif­ic lum­ber and build­ing prod­ucts: Stainmaster carpet:Lycra.

We have to take a stand, lets take advan­tage of the pow­er of our mon­ey, they are tak­ing advan­tage of the pow­er of their mon­ey, let us start with these prod­ucts and as we do our research let us hurt them where it mat­ters most , in their pock­et books, let’s tell them where to go with their products.