Super Committee !

The Super com­mit­tee made up of Republicans and Democrats tasked with com­ing up with a com­pro­mise solu­tion on the Nations debt cri­sis has come back stat­ing that they have failed to find com­mon ground. Was this a fail­ure on their part or should Americans feel a sense of relief that these twelve con­gres­sion­al Representatives could not find a way for­ward? And by the way auto­mat­ic spend­ing cuts will take effect across the board in all Government Departments. These Representatives have been at it for the past sev­en months and the American peo­ple has noth­ing to show for it . But is that a bad thing? for those on the right they will most like­ly see this as a vic­to­ry , it keeps in tact their pledge to their con­ser­v­a­tive God Grover Norqusit nev­er to raise tax­es, such is the pow­er of one man over the oth­er mil­lions of Americans who vot­ed them into office. Those on the left could also claim that this is a good thing for enti­tle­ment pro­grams such as Medicare and Social secu­ri­ty. One thing is clear once again as if we need­ed clar­i­fi­ca­tion, it is that those in Congress can­not be trust­ed to act in the inter­est of the peo­ple who elect­ed them. The American peo­ple would be bet­ter served if they hired a firm of CEO’s to look after their busi­ness pay them a salary and fire them if they are not sat­is­fied, clear­ly the monies spent on salaries and ben­e­fits for these 535 peo­ple are wast­ed, and would be bet­ter spent pay­ing teach­ers , putting com­put­ers into class rooms and pro­vid­ing health care for those who can­not afford it.

The super com­mit­tee is a micro­cosm of what’s wrong with the American con­gress ‚mem­bers on the right in par­tic­u­lar are ide­o­log­i­cal­ly steeped in their com­mit­ments to spe­cial inter­est and lob­by­ists that they do not care about the inter­est of ordi­nary Americans. This cou­pled with their hatred for Barack Obama will pre­vent Democrats from get­ting any­thing done, even though they are will­ing to make con­ces­sions. Congressional approval is in the toi­let but Republican mem­bers are will­ing to take the asso­ci­at­ed risks to get their stat­ed goal of mak­ing Obama a one term pres­i­dent. We will have to wait to see what the ver­dict of the vot­ers will be, we may very well see Republicans reward­ed for sab­o­tag­ing the econ­o­my in an effort to make the pres­i­dent look weak and inef­fec­tu­al. After all they won the house in 2010 sim­ply by being obstructionist.

Go fig­ure..

Have your say.