Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin


Darwinian Evolution the­o­ry would have you believe that giv­en enough time mon­keys evolved into Humans of course now they don’t any­more so our mon­keys stay, well mon­keys. That “the­o­ry” also wants you to believe cer­tain ground crea­tures even­tu­al­ly grew wings and ulti­mate­ly flew.
Despite the fact that there is no evi­dence to sup­port this coka­me­nie there is broad sup­port and accep­tance of this nonsense.
The truth of the mat­ter is that cre­ation­ism and evo­lu­tion are not opposed but are actu­al­ly both log­i­cal and true.
Of course species evolve into larg­er, vari­a­tions of them­selves. Humans do too, giv­en time our skin col­or becomes lighter, or dark­er depend­ing on the cli­mat­ic con­di­tions to which we are exposed and oth­er char­ac­ter­is­tics which may define the changes we go through.
One thing is sure regard­less of those changes humans remain humans though dif­fer­ent in pig­men­ta­tion lan­guage or size or oth­er defin­ing characteristics.
In short, if you plant corn for a tril­lion years it will nev­er evolve into apples, it remains corn.
Those who want you to believe in Darwin’s fal­la­cy will read­i­ly tell you that you should believe them that over bil­lions of years tril­lions even, a sin­gle cell evolved into all life forms as we know it.
Never mind that even if this was remote­ly pos­si­ble Darwin nev­er both­ered to say who or what cre­at­ed that cell.
Darwinians denounce those who see the evi­dence of cre­ation around them and “believe”, that a great God cre­at­ed it all but ask us to believe their the­o­ry with­out a shred of evidence.
Essentially one should only believe what they believe and if you don’t then you are a pre­his­toric nean­derthal who will like­ly change into anoth­er crea­ture giv­en time.
I will go with the mass of evi­dence which sur­rounds me instead of some cocka­manie unproven, un-prov­able crock.!!!


Minister of National Security Peter Bunting meets residents of Campbellton, Hanover
Minister of National Security Peter Bunting meets res­i­dents of Campbellton, Hanover

You know crime is out of con­trol in Jamaica when the Island’s Prime Minister actu­al­ly man­ages to com­ment , or maybe it’s just that General Elections are imminent.
I was per­son­al­ly shocked that the elo­quent and articulate,[sic] yet media shy Prime Minister, the Honorable Portia Simpson Miller spoke out against the killing of six peo­ple the seri­ous injury to four oth­ers and the torch­ing of their home in Hanover a cou­ple of days ago.
I did not expect her to com­ment after all the killings of sev­er­al Police offi­cers recent­ly was not wor­thy of a sin­gle word of con­dem­na­tion from the esteemed leader of the Country.
I guess six killed in a sin­gle inci­dent is the response but­ton who knows.
See sto­ry here :https://​mike​beck​les​.com/​p​o​l​i​c​e​-​h​o​l​d​-​h​a​n​o​v​e​r​-​m​a​s​s​a​c​r​e​-​s​u​s​p​e​ct/
ut of ideas the Minister of National secu­ri­ty default­ed to the con­ve­nient talk­ing point .
“This is a mur­der which is gen­e­sised in the lot­to scam”.
Even if the killings are a direct result of the infa­mous lot­to scam does that make the killing of these vic­tims any less consequential?
The Minister and Police Commissioner were quick to attempt to deflect the seri­ous­ness of the con­tin­ued mass killings by say­ing that by and large the major­i­ty of peo­ple get­ting killed are in some way affil­i­at­ed with the scam.
I guess on that basis we should all just move on noth­ing to see here.
This is a weak attempt at deflect­ing atten­tion away from the seri­ous­ness of the ram­pant killings in the small Island nation of 2.7 million.

The peo­ple have become dis­in­ter­est­ed and detached from the dai­ly killings cal­loused and unre­spon­sive to the per­pet­u­al assault.
There is a sense of res­ig­na­tion if you will, a sense of expec­ta­tion and maybe even antic­i­pa­tion of the vio­lent killings which occur each day out­side these mass killings which jars the social con­science of ordi­nary people.
Absent a seri­ous fix entire indus­tries have sprung up which prof­it from the blood letting.
Funeral Parlors are every­where, Sound sys­tem own­er­ship and even bands have emerged to cel­e­brate those who are killed.
Vendors depend on the funer­als to sell their wares in order to survive.
It is now a way of life which is now dif­fi­cult to stop there may be a lack of polit­i­cal will “to stop di peo­ple dem food.”
The thing is that no one knows exact­ly when their per­son­al num­ber will be called. It is a crazy kind of Russian roulette which Jamaicans have come to accept as normal.

Of course mur­ders are hap­pen­ing with fright­en­ing fre­quen­cy and alacrity some will read­i­ly tell you. Being the def­i­n­i­tion of Patriots they are quick to tell you that even in America there are mass killings as if America is a good barom­e­ter with which to reg­is­ter com­mons sense best prac­tices as it relates to how crime and crim­i­nal­i­ty is best handled.
The Jamaicans who quick­ly jump to the “even in America” nar­ra­tive fail to rec­og­nize that America is awash in killings , includ­ing mass killings because of it’s igno­rance and stub­born alle­giance to a sec­ond amend­ment to the con­sti­tu­tion which has seen bet­ter days.
It makes no sense to have over 300 mil­lion guns on the streets , one gun for every man woman and child in America, there­fore default­ing to the United States as a ref­er­ence point is ludicrous.

For decades Jamicans glo­ri­fied mass-mur­der­ers every­one got in on the act the Media being the chief con­duit and cheer­leader. The “bad-mad” cul­ture is glo­ri­fied and prop­a­gat­ed yet Jamaicans feign shock and out­rage when young men grow up want­i­ng to be gang­sters and young ladies want to be their paramours.
Even if the nur­tur­ing of the homi­ci­dal cul­ture was been done while there was a par­al­lel effort which saw appro­pri­ate laws passed and the Police trained equipped and sup­port­ed the gang­land cul­ture would still win out because there are just too many young impres­sion­able minds involved.
Contrast that with the cre­ation and glo­ri­fi­ca­tion of the Garrison cul­ture at the high­est ech­e­lons of soci­ety to the most impov­er­ished ghet­tos and the sys­tem­at­ic yet strate­gic denun­ci­a­tion of the rule of law and those who enforce them.
The chick­ens have sim­ply come home to roost.
If you plant corn for a tril­lion years don’t be sur­prised when you receive a har­vest of corn.
It will always be corn don’t act so surprised !!!