Darwinian Evolution theory would have you believe that given enough time monkeys evolved into Humans of course now they don’t anymore so our monkeys stay, well monkeys. That “theory” also wants you to believe certain ground creatures eventually grew wings and ultimately flew.
Despite the fact that there is no evidence to support this cokamenie there is broad support and acceptance of this nonsense.
The truth of the matter is that creationism and evolution are not opposed but are actually both logical and true.
Of course species evolve into larger, variations of themselves. Humans do too, given time our skin color becomes lighter, or darker depending on the climatic conditions to which we are exposed and other characteristics which may define the changes we go through.
One thing is sure regardless of those changes humans remain humans though different in pigmentation language or size or other defining characteristics.
In short, if you plant corn for a trillion years it will never evolve into apples, it remains corn.
Those who want you to believe in Darwin’s fallacy will readily tell you that you should believe them that over billions of years trillions even, a single cell evolved into all life forms as we know it.
Never mind that even if this was remotely possible Darwin never bothered to say who or what created that cell.
Darwinians denounce those who see the evidence of creation around them and “believe”, that a great God created it all but ask us to believe their theory without a shred of evidence.
Essentially one should only believe what they believe and if you don’t then you are a prehistoric neanderthal who will likely change into another creature given time.
I will go with the mass of evidence which surrounds me instead of some cockamanie unproven, un-provable crock.!!!
You know crime is out of control in Jamaica when the Island’s Prime Minister actually manages to comment , or maybe it’s just that General Elections are imminent.
I was personally shocked that the eloquent and articulate,[sic] yet media shy Prime Minister, the Honorable Portia Simpson Miller spoke out against the killing of six people the serious injury to four others and the torching of their home in Hanover a couple of days ago.
I did not expect her to comment after all the killings of several Police officers recently was not worthy of a single word of condemnation from the esteemed leader of the Country.
I guess six killed in a single incident is the response button who knows.
See story here :
Out of ideas the Minister of National security defaulted to the convenient talking point .
“This is a murder which is genesised in the lotto scam”.
Even if the killings are a direct result of the infamous lotto scam does that make the killing of these victims any less consequential?
The Minister and Police Commissioner were quick to attempt to deflect the seriousness of the continued mass killings by saying that by and large the majority of people getting killed are in some way affiliated with the scam.
I guess on that basis we should all just move on nothing to see here.
This is a weak attempt at deflecting attention away from the seriousness of the rampant killings in the small Island nation of 2.7 million.
The people have become disinterested and detached from the daily killings calloused and unresponsive to the perpetual assault.
There is a sense of resignation if you will, a sense of expectation and maybe even anticipation of the violent killings which occur each day outside these mass killings which jars the social conscience of ordinary people.
Absent a serious fix entire industries have sprung up which profit from the blood letting.
Funeral Parlors are everywhere, Sound system ownership and even bands have emerged to celebrate those who are killed.
Vendors depend on the funerals to sell their wares in order to survive.
It is now a way of life which is now difficult to stop there may be a lack of political will “to stop di people dem food.”
The thing is that no one knows exactly when their personal number will be called. It is a crazy kind of Russian roulette which Jamaicans have come to accept as normal.
Of course murders are happening with frightening frequency and alacrity some will readily tell you. Being the definition of Patriots they are quick to tell you that even in America there are mass killings as if America is a good barometer with which to register commons sense best practices as it relates to how crime and criminality is best handled.
The Jamaicans who quickly jump to the “even in America” narrative fail to recognize that America is awash in killings , including mass killings because of it’s ignorance and stubborn allegiance to a second amendment to the constitution which has seen better days.
It makes no sense to have over 300 million guns on the streets , one gun for every man woman and child in America, therefore defaulting to the United States as a reference point is ludicrous.
For decades Jamicans glorified mass-murderers everyone got in on the act the Media being the chief conduit and cheerleader. The “bad-mad” culture is glorified and propagated yet Jamaicans feign shock and outrage when young men grow up wanting to be gangsters and young ladies want to be their paramours.
Even if the nurturing of the homicidal culture was been done while there was a parallel effort which saw appropriate laws passed and the Police trained equipped and supported the gangland culture would still win out because there are just too many young impressionable minds involved.
Contrast that with the creation and glorification of the Garrison culture at the highest echelons of society to the most impoverished ghettos and the systematic yet strategic denunciation of the rule of law and those who enforce them.
The chickens have simply come home to roost.
If you plant corn for a trillion years don’t be surprised when you receive a harvest of corn.
It will always be corn don’t act so surprised !!!