Central Westmoreland What It Means

jamaicans are not totally incapable of working together
Jamaicans are not total­ly inca­pable of work­ing together

Recently I wrote that Elections to fill the seat made vacant by the pass­ing of Roger Clarke in cen­tral Westmoreland would be a lit­mus test on whether Jamaicans are turn­ing around from entrenched alle­giances to the PNP and are final­ly ready to embrace new ideas even if they are com­ing from the oth­er par­ty, or even a new party.

Many peo­ple dis­agreed with me argu­ing that if the JLP los­es the seat in the com­ing by-elec­tions it was not a good indi­ca­tor of whether the JLP has the winds to it’s back. 

The cen­tral Westmoreland seat has been under the con­trol of the PNP for almost 55 years . The seat switched hands in 1980 under the tidal-wave which swept the PNP from office.

I under­stand that irre­spec­tive of what the JLP does in the cen­tral Westmoreland con­stituen­cy they may still have an up-hill task because of what could be a mea­sure of sym­pa­thy for Roger Clarke who was a well liked Politician.

Notwithstanding we have seen the Jamaican elec­torate swing mas­sive­ly in one direc­tion or the oth­er when they ful­ly feel their inter­est are not being met. It may be ill-advised to assume they are beyond mov­ing from trib­al politics. 

During the elec­tion cycle of 1980 hun­dreds of Jamaicans were killed in what was almost a civ­il war. Over the last cou­ple of elec­tion cycles Jamaicans of both both polit­i­cal par­ties have adopt­ed an almost car­ni­val like atmos­phere to the process, an almost one hun­dred and eighty degree turn from what obtained before.

Roger Clarke was pop­u­lar we agree, how­ev­er mis­ter Clarke is no longer with us, vot­ers in Central Westmoreland must decide whether they allow nos­tal­gia and sym­pa­thy of the past, to neg­a­tive­ly impact how they pre­pare for the future.

I believe how they respond will tell the Labor Party whether vot­ers , at least these vot­ers, are feel­ing enough of a pinch , or whether they are pre­pared to con­tin­ue in their mis­ery and with the evil they know.

That is the test,only time will tell.