Why Donald Trump will not run for the presidency ever again - mikebeckles.
In my next arti­cle, I will explain why I believe Donald Trump will not run for the pres­i­den­cy ever again, putting to rest the fears Democrats and oth­ers har­bor that he could return to the pres­i­den­cy maybe as soon as 2024. UPDATE https://​mike​beck​les​.com/​t​r​u​m​p​s​-​p​r​o​b​l​e​m​s​-​w​i​l​l​-​s​u​p​e​r​s​e​d​e​-​h​i​s​-​d​e​s​i​r​e​-​t​o​-​r​u​n​-​a​g​a​i​n​/​?​f​b​c​l​i​d​=​I​w​A​R​0​f​U​i​p​6​a​7​t​C​Y​D​y​t​O​v​7​E​M​0​-​0​M​K​7​y​c​l​V​J​p​P​U​Q​F​9​K​V​q​n​0​1​Y​s​3​h​P​o​Y​6​M​F​D​y​Stg