Patrick Powell Will Get A Fair Trial, His Right To A Fair Trial Cannot Be Guaranteed At The Expense Of The Aggrieved Family’s Right To Free Speech In Their Pursuit Of Justice…

In 2011 I began on a jour­ney it was the cre­ation of my Blogs chatt​— a​-box​.com that jour­ney began because a young man 17-year-old Kingston College stu­dent Khajeel Mais was bru­tal­ly mur­dered and Authorities in Jamaica took no action. I decid­ed to speak up even though I had nev­er met young mis­ter Mais nor his fam­i­ly and still haven’t. The cir­cum­stances … Continue read­ing Patrick Powell Will Get A Fair Trial, His Right To A Fair Trial Cannot Be Guaranteed At The Expense Of The Aggrieved Family’s Right To Free Speech In Their Pursuit Of Justice…