Law Enforcement Fraternized With & Ignored White Supermacist Threat, Now They Killed A Cop…


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Capitol Police Chief Stephen Sund

Every police offi­cer, past or present, regard­less of where they are from, or where they oper­at­ed, must feel shame, must be in shock at what we saw evolv­ing in Washington DC yesterday.
Regardless of senior­i­ty, every­one wor­thy of the title of “police offi­cer “would have been able to fore­see that the Capitol police pres­ence and the sub­se­quent response was not only inad­e­quate, but bor­der­line was a dere­lic­tion of duty.
In that regard, the Capitol police chief Steven Sund’s res­ig­na­tion calls are not only sound but urgent­ly critical.
Regardless of any mit­i­gat­ing or excul­pa­to­ry cir­cum­stances that would mil­i­tate in his favor, his depart­men­t’s egre­gious fail­ure makes it impos­si­ble for him to remain in his post.
He must resign…
An excerpt I post­ed to social media ear­li­er this afternoon.

This is the Story of Power in this Country': Ferguson, Institutionalized Racism and the Militarization of Police | Common Dreams News
These images do not lie. Police response to black peo­ple’s right­eous protest…


This was the police response to peace­ful protest by black peo­ple in Ferguson, Missouri, as they marched against the unlaw­ful mur­der of 18-year old Mike Brown by white cop Darren Wilson.
What happened in Ferguson, Missouri, following the shooting and grand jury decision? - Vox
Who can for­get these images in response to peace­ful protests against police brutality?
Ferguson unrest - Wikipedia
This is the police response to African-American’s peace­ful protest against police abuse.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D‑Calif., declared Thursday that she did­n’t need a review and called for Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund’s resignation.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R‑Ky., called for a con­gres­sion­al inquiry.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer also said Thursday the Senate Sergeant at Arms Michael Stenger should resign or be fired. “If Senate Sergeant Arms Stenger has­n’t vacat­ed the posi­tion by then, I will fire him as soon as Democrats have a major­i­ty in the Senate,” Schumer said in a statement.

Capitol Police rejected offers of federal help to quell mob of Trump supporters - Chicago Sun-Times
Before the assault

William Bratton, who has led the coun­try’s largest police forces in New York and Los Angeles, said it was “hard to com­pre­hend every­thing that went wrong.” “This was a fail­ure at every level.”
Sen. Christopher Coons, D‑Del., said law­mak­ers began dis­cus­sions about a secu­ri­ty review even as they took cov­er from attack­ers who had breached the Capitol.
Coons, in an inter­view with MSNBC, said that despite the “hun­dreds of mil­lions of dol­lars” spent in the after­math of 911 to guard against a ter­ror­ist hijack­ing and lethal anthrax attacks, offi­cials had nev­er con­tem­plat­ed the sce­nario that played out Wednesday.


Capitol Police Rejected Offers of Federal Help to Quell Mob – NBC Bay Area
This was the Capitol on January 6th.

There is no need for a review of secu­ri­ty pro­to­cols to see what went wrong. Whatever they come up with to try to con­vince the nation went wrong will be blow­ing smoke up the peo­ple’s ass.
The sad real­i­ty is that this hum­ble writer has writ­ten dozens of arti­cles com­plain­ing, not only about the bla­tant dis­par­i­ties in the ways that law enforce­ment across the coun­try enforce the laws, but the way that police and fed­er­al author­i­ties have basi­cal­ly ignored the grow­ing and immi­nent threat of white suprema­cist militias.


US Capitol Police rejected offers of federal help to quell mob |
This was the police pre­pared­ness in defense of the nation’s seat of pow­er in the face of an exis­ten­tial threat from domes­tic white terrorists.

Almost two decades ago, the FBI warned that white suprema­cists were infil­trat­ing police depart­ments across the nation. This, I might add, is in addi­tion to the fact that America’s police depart­ments were always racist over­lords who look down on the black com­mu­ni­ty with con­tempt and disdain.
Despite these warn­ings from the FBI, there has been no vis­i­ble evi­dence that the mat­ter is being addressed by either the gov­ern­ment at any lev­el, or by law enforce­ment itself.

In fact, even though the FBI gave the warn­ing, for­mer FBI direc­tor James Comey told police dur­ing the Obama Administration, that police were unsure how to do their jobs as they were suf­fer­ing from what [he] called the” Ferguson effect.” The so-called effect emanat­ed from the killing of Mike Brown unarmed 18-year old black teen in Ferguson, Missouri, by a white cop Darren Wilson.
Wilson faced no crim­i­nal charges, but the Black Lives Matter move­ment (BLM) is rumored to have come out of that inci­dent or been brought to promi­nence due to it.
By infer­ence, Comey’s address to police chiefs con­veyed that if police are not allowed to kill young black men, they come across indis­crim­i­nate­ly, they can­not do their jobs.

This mem­ber of Donald Trump’s white fas­cist army is actu­al­ly sit­ting at a desk used by the speak­er of the House of Representatives…

The real­i­ty is that across the United States, the white suprema­cist move­ments have cur­ried favor with police; thus, they have lured entire police depart­ments into believ­ing that they are allies.
The thug who sat in Speaker Pelosi’s office with his legs on the desk held events to raise mon­ey for the police. His actions and the actions of oth­ers who invad­ed the Capitol to dis­rupt the gov­ern­men­t’s busi­ness on Donald Trump’s behalf result­ed in a police offi­cer’s death.
If Black Life Matters right­eous pro­test­ers had done any­thing close to this, there would be hell to pay.
Police see Black and Brown peo­ple who march for dig­ni­ty, jus­tice, and against police abuse as ene­mies, while the true ene­mies are giv­en the red carpet.
In 2017 a group of black cler­gy mem­bers kneeled in prayer in the Capitol Rotunda to protest against Donald Trump’s bud­get cuts. Capitol police moved in and arrest­ed them.
Among those arrest­ed was the Ebenezer Baptist Church Pastor in Georgia, his name, Raphael Warnock.
On January 5th, 2021, Pastor Raphael Warnock was elect­ed as the first black man to be elect­ed to the United States Senate from Georgia.

Jacob Rubashkin on Twitter: "Reading about how few of the rioters were arrested yesterday while storming the Capitol Building, I'm reminded that Georgia's next senator, Rev. Raphael Warnock, had been arrested so
Pastor Raphael Warnock being arrest­ed for pray­ing in the US Capitol Rotunda by Capitol police.

The sad irony is that the police have no bet­ter friend than the black com­mu­ni­ty, who only demand to be treat­ed with respect and dignity.
Time and again, we have seen police wel­come heav­i­ly armed white mili­tia-mem­bers wear­ing pro-police insignia with glee. They are giv­en water and thanked for show­ing up, (as cops did to Kyle Rittenhouse) before he mur­dered two peo­ple in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
Police offi­cers are mem­bers of white mili­tias groups; they find com­mon cause with them. All over the coun­try, police groups sup­port Donald Trump and have been endorsed by him.
They do not see the threat posed by the mili­tias and white suprema­cist groups as a threat. Contrary to their belief, the real threat to American Democracy comes from white nation­al­ist who believes that they have the God-giv­en right to over­throw the Government if they dis­agree with its policies.





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog mike​beck​les​.com. 
He’s con­tributed to sev­er­al websites.
You may sub­scribe to his blogs, or sub­scribe to his Youtube chan­nel @chatt-a-box, for the lat­est videos.
